Table of Contents
ashkelon is an open source project. It is a Java API documentation tool designed for Java developers. Its goals are the same as the goals of the well-known javadoc tool that comes with J2SE, whose user interface most java developers are quite familiar with (see: if you'd like to learn more about javadoc)
ashkelon addresses the following issues that javadoc does not:
ashkelon is a multi-API documentation system, unlike javadoc which produces single-API documentation
ashkelon's documentation system leverages SQL to provide a queriable/searchable repository for documentation
The DHTML GUI produced by ashkelon (works with all major browsers) is markedly different from the defacto html 3.2 user interface produced by javadoc, which I termed "classic."
ashkelon's user interface is a Java web application, not a set of static html pages
The javadoc tool is composed of two parts:
The documentation generator, used to produce html (or other) documentation
a graphical user interface used to browse and peruse through the documentation (static html pages)
Sometimes the same person performs both the generation and referencing the documentation. however, the more common case is that of an API publisher producing javadocs for the API user who references them.
Similarly, ashkelon is also composed of two parts:
the repository manager, used to populate and otherwise manage a database with documentation information
The viewer application , a web application that provides access to the documentation in a variety of ways (search, browse, cross-reference, etc..). this application is markedly different from javadoc's user interface in a number of ways.
In a workgroup environment, a development team needs to reference a number of APIs from a number of sources, including:
Internal company code
Sun APIs (J2SE, J2EE, etc..)
Popular third party APIs (from Apache, Sourceforge, or other)
A developer may be appointed to the task of administrator. This individual would be in charge of using the repository manager to populate the ashkelon database with the API documentation. Alternatively, this person may choose to automate the task entirely and enhance the nightly build process to automatically rebuild the ashkelon repository with the latest docs.
The entire development team would use the viewer application as its window into the documentation. One of the strengths of ashkelon is the various ways in which someone can access information about a Programming Element:
Hierarchical navigation to a target class or method
Search by name
Search by wildcard
Navigating programmatic relationships
Cross referencing classes or interfaces
Power search feature (search by meta information such as author, modifier (et al) or a combination thereof
An important difference with ashkelon is that as an administrator, you will use the repository manager repeatedly to add new APIs into the repository. You don't have to (and should not try to) add all APIs in one step.
In a large community environment, it is conceivable that a single high-availability site be made available to the general Java developer community. Such a site might provide API publishers with online tools to register and populate their APIs in this "global" repository. The end-result would be publicly-accessible Java API documentation for many APIs which would be constantly kept up-to-date by the various API publishers.
Here are the relevant project and download URLs:
Visit the project download page. Select to download ashkelon in whichever compression format you prefer (.zip or .tgz). After the download is complete, unpack the compressed file. You should now have an ashkelon working directory.
We are more than happy to assist you with getting ashkelon properly configured and installed in your environment. Feel free to email Eitan directly at <> or the appropriate mailing list.
J2SE v1.4.x or higher
A servlet & JSP container (I use Jakarta Tomcat 5.5 at the moment, but have used or received reports from many users and/or vendors that ashkelon works with their servlet container)
postgresql ( ) or mysql ( )
Jakarta Ant (v1.5 or higher) ( )
In version 0.9 ashkelon now has the capability to auto-fetch API source code from either subversion or cvs version control systems. ashkelon therefore will use a temporary directory as the base path for keeping a cache of source code.
In the file src/org/ashkelon/ashkelon-config.xml, specify the base path that ashkelon will use for its source cache. If the path does not exist, ashkelon will attempt to create the specified directory.
![]() | Note |
As you read this section, substitute the database type you'll be using (mysql or postgres) wherever you see the "placeholder" text ${dbtype} |
Edit db/ ${dbtype} /org/ashkelon/db/ to specify the proper database connection information:
# dbtype=mysql jdbcDriverName=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver connectionURL=jdbc:mysql://localhost/ashkelon user=ashkelon password=ashkelon
# dbtype=postgres jdbcDriverName=org.postgresql.Driver connectionURL=jdbc:postgresql://localhost/ashkelon user=ashkelon password=ashkelon
Create the ashkelon database:
Generate the schema. Run script: db/${dbtype} /org/ashkelon/db/init.sql
Build and create the ashkelon jar file:
Rather than specify dbtype from the command line, feel free to edit the build.xml file directly. This way you won't have to remember how to construct your ant command line each time.
Verify that the "ashkelon" command works. Invoke it with no parameters from the command line.
$ ashkelon
should produce this help/usage screen
Ashkelon Repository Manager (v 0.9) ---------- Description: Manages a Java Documentation Repository. For more information, visit Examples: ashkelon reset ashkelon add hibernate.xml ashkelon list ashkelon remove Hibernate ashkelon html -d junit-javadocs apis/junit.xml Usage: ashkelon {command} [options] Valid commands: add Add an API to repository remove Remove specified API from the repository update Update an API list List APIs currently residing in the repository reset Reset repository (i.e. delete everything, use with care) export Dump list of APIs as XML to System.out html Produce static HTML pages (with ashkelon look and feel) For command-specific help, type: ashkelon {command} -h Caveats: No work done yet to support J2SE 5. ---------- Copyleft
Example 3.9. Populating DOM4J API
~ashkelon$ cd apis ~ashkelon/apis$ ashkelon add dom4j.xml [press enter]
If everything goes well, you should end up with your database populated with the Java API documentation for DOM4J.
Ashkelon basically downloads the source code for the project (per the cvs or subversion repository information specific in the xml file) and places a copy in its "source cache" area on disk. Ashkelon the proceeds to invoke javadoc with itself as the doclet, in order to parse and populate the database with the API information.
You can list the APIs in the ashkelon database like this:
eitan@ubuntu:~/projects/ashkelon/apis$ ashkelon list ashkelon@ubuntu:~/projects/ashkelon/apis$ ashkelon list Ashkelon: 1 APIs in ashkelon: Ashkelon: dom4j
Continue to add as many APIs as you desire. They all get added to the same database and cross-references between APIs are resolved.
![]() | Note |
There's a bug at the moment with v0.9 regarding inability to autodetect and supply a cvs password. If for some reason ashkelon appears to have "hanged", usually after a line that resemples this: CVS password: add: Logging in to Then this means that the invoked cvs command is waiting for a password before proceeding. Since almost all open source projects use a blank password for anonymous cvs login, simply press enter. I apologize for the inconvenience. |
eitan@ubuntu:~/projects/ashkelon$ ant war [output] Buildfile: build.xml init: compile: bind: jar-model: [jar] Building jar: /home/eitan/projects/ashkelon/build/ashkelon-model.jar jar-taglib: [jar] Building jar: /home/eitan/projects/ashkelon/build/ashkelon-taglib.jar jar-webapp: [jar] Building jar: /home/eitan/projects/ashkelon/build/ashkelon-webapp.jar [copy] Copying 1 file to /home/eitan/projects/ashkelon/build war: [war] Building war: /home/eitan/projects/ashkelon/dist/ashkelon.war BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 3 seconds [end output] eitan@ubuntu:~/projects/ashkelon$ ls dist/ ashkelon.war eitan@ubuntu:~/projects/ashkelon$ cp dist/ashkelon.war ~/devel/tomcat/webapps
You need to do two things to deploy the ashkelon war file: [1] copy the war file to the tomcat webapps directory, as shown above, and [2] copy $JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar to $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib
If necessary, restart tomcat or load the new web application and explore http://localhost:8080/ashkelon/
The ashkelon command-line tool is called "ashkelon". It is a wrapper shell script for a Java program. On win32, the file is "ashkelon.bat" while on unix it's "ashkelon." These files reside in $ASHK_HOME/bin
You will primarily use the ashkelon tool to add content to your database. Here is a listing of some of the subcommands:
use to add APIs to your database
use to "nuke" the contents of the database (start from scratch)
lists the APIs currently documented in the database
opposite of ashkelon add, use it to remove APIs from the repository
You can obtain a listing of all the subcommands by invoking ashkelon with no arguments. For help per subcommand, invoke ashkelon like this:
ashkelon subcommandname -h
ashkelon reset and ashkelon list require no parameters and likewise require no explanation.
ashkelon add is richer. Let's talk about "ashkelon add".
Traditionally (i.e. with javadoc) one documents a single API. So the inputs to the javadoc tool are a list of package names, such as {java.lang,,, ..}
When documenting multiple APIs in a single repository, it's important to also keep track of what API each java package belongs to. That is, is part of the ant API whereas org.apache.log4j is part of the log4j API.
The ashkelon project has devised a simple XML structure to describe an API. Here's an example API XML file for DOM4J (see apis/dom4j.xml):
Example 4.1. DOM4J API XML file descriptor for ashkelon
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <api> <name>dom4j</name> <summarydescription>The flexible XML framework for Java</summarydescription> <description>dom4j is an easy to use, open source library...</description> <publisher>SourceForge</publisher> <download_url></download_url> <release_date>2005-04-15T08:00:00</release_date> <version>1.6</version> <packages> <package>org.dom4j</package> <package>org.dom4j.bean</package> <package>org.dom4j.datatype</package> <package>org.dom4j.dom</package> <package>org.dom4j.dtd</package> <package></package> <package>org.dom4j.jaxb</package> <package>org.dom4j.rule</package> <package>org.dom4j.rule.pattern</package> <package>org.dom4j.swing</package> <package>org.dom4j.tree</package> <package>org.dom4j.util</package> <package>org.dom4j.xpath</package> <package>org.dom4j.xpp</package> </packages> <repository> <type>cvs</type> <url></url> <modulename>dom4j</modulename> <sourcepath>src/java</sourcepath> </repository> </api>
This file is similar to the package.html file that you usually have to write for javadoc package documentation. Except that this file is xml-based and thus more structured, and easier to interpret by a program.
These xml api descriptors are the primary input to the ashkelon command (aside from the actual source code that you're trying to document). Many descriptors already exist in in ashkelon's apis directory.
ashkelon provides a tool called "apixml" that assists you in producing ashkelon API descriptors.
For a given API, search its javadocs directory for a file named package-list. This file is a sort of signature that javadoc leaves behind after processing an API.
Feed apixml this file and it will produce an almost completed xml descriptor file for you. In the example session below, I process junit's package-list through apixml. The xml output is produced by apixml. Now simply specify the missing pieces: API name, description, publisher, url, and version control system information.
eitan@ubuntu:~/devel/junit/javadoc$ apixml package-list <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <api> <name/> <summarydescription/> <description/> <publisher/> <download_url/> <release_date>2006-02-03T20:21:45.151</release_date> <version/> <packages> <package>junit.extensions</package> <package>junit.framework</package> </packages> <repository> <type>cvs</type> <url>[projectname]</url> <modulename>[projectname]</modulename> <tagname/> <sourcepath>src/java</sourcepath> </repository> </api> eitan@ubuntu:~/devel/junit/javadoc$ </screen>
Let's run through a quick example. We first produce dom4j.xml:
eitan@ubuntu:~/devel/dom4j/docs/apidocs$ apixml package-list > dom4j.xml
Check out apis/dom4j.xml to see how the base XML descriptor produced by apixml was completed. We're now ready to ask ashkelon to put DOM4J into our database. Let's first see what we have already..
eitan@ubuntu:~/projects/ashkelon/apis$ ashkelon list Ashkelon: 9 APIs in ashkelon: Ashkelon: Hibernate Ashkelon: jEdit Ashkelon: FlexDock Ashkelon: Servlet Ashkelon: Common Components Ashkelon: log4j Ashkelon: JiBX Ashkelon: JUnit Ashkelon: J2SE eitan@ubuntu:~/projects/ashkelon/apis$
Ok, let's add dom4j:
eitan@ubuntu:~/projects/ashkelon/apis$ ashkelon add dom4j.xml
And here's the output (less the javadoc warnings)
add: cmd is: cvs -d -q update -d -r HEAD dom4j/src/java Loading source files for package org.dom4j... Loading source files for package org.dom4j.bean... Loading source files for package org.dom4j.datatype... Loading source files for package org.dom4j.dom... Loading source files for package org.dom4j.dtd... Loading source files for package Loading source files for package org.dom4j.jaxb... Loading source files for package org.dom4j.rule... Loading source files for package org.dom4j.rule.pattern... Loading source files for package org.dom4j.swing... Loading source files for package org.dom4j.tree... Loading source files for package org.dom4j.util... Loading source files for package org.dom4j.xpath... Loading source files for package org.dom4j.xpp... Constructing Javadoc information... [a bunch of javadoc side-effect warnings suppressed] Ashkelon: 14 packages to process.. Ashkelon: Processing package org.dom4j.. Ashkelon: Processing package org.dom4j.bean.. Ashkelon: Processing package org.dom4j.datatype.. Ashkelon: Processing package org.dom4j.dom.. Ashkelon: Processing package org.dom4j.dtd.. Ashkelon: Processing package /home/eitan/projects/sourcecache/dom4j/src/java/org/dom4j/io/ warning - Tag @link: missing '#': "OutputFormat.isXHTML() OutputFormat.isXHTML()" /home/eitan/projects/sourcecache/dom4j/src/java/org/dom4j/io/ warning - Tag @link: can't find OutputFormat.isXHTML() in Ashkelon: Processing package org.dom4j.jaxb.. Ashkelon: Processing package org.dom4j.rule.. Ashkelon: Processing package org.dom4j.rule.pattern.. Ashkelon: Processing package org.dom4j.swing.. Ashkelon: Processing package org.dom4j.tree.. Ashkelon: Processing package org.dom4j.util.. Ashkelon: Processing package org.dom4j.xpath.. Ashkelon: Processing package org.dom4j.xpp.. Ashkelon: Add Time: 7 seconds Ashkelon: Updating Internal References.. Ashkelon: Processing FIELD references.. Ashkelon: Processing METHOD references.. Ashkelon: Processing IMPL_INTERFACE references.. Ashkelon: Processing THROWNEXCEPTION references.. Ashkelon: Processing PARAMETER references.. Ashkelon: Processing SUPERCLASS references.. Ashkelon: Processing seetag PACKAGE references.. Ashkelon: Processing seetag CLASSTYPE references.. Ashkelon: Processing seetag MEMBER references.. Ashkelon: Processing seetag EXECMEMBER references.. Ashkelon: Ref. Time: 8 seconds Ashkelon: done 102 warnings eitan@ubuntu:~/projects/ashkelon/apis$
The warnings are harmless. They're a side effect of the javadoc parser attempting to resolve referenced libraries from the DOM4J classes. We see there were a couple of javadoc syntax warnings that we might want to fix. Otherwise, ashkelon ensured that its source cache was up to date by doing a CVS update. It then proceeded to process the 14 packages that comprise the dom4j javadocs. This took seven seconds. Eight more seconds were spent resolving inter-api references between existing APIs in the database and the newly added one.
Oftentimes you'll want to update an API you've already populated into your database with an updated version. You do this with the ashkelon update command. This command first deletes the api from the repository, and then proceeds to fetch, parse, and populate the updated version.
Say, for example, that dom4j released a new version. You'd update the xml descriptor, maybe the tag name in cvs to fetch the code from. Then you'd invoke:
ashkelon update dom4j
With J2SE v1.4, javadoc introduced the -source flag for processing APIs that used J2SE v1.4 specific features, such as the assert keyword. So, if you're going to populate such an API, or J2SE itself, you must specify ashkelon's corresponding flag: --source, like this:
$ ashkelon add --source 1.4 j2sdk14.xml
Another concern is that although it's very convenient to have ashkelon fetch the source code on our behalf directly from version control, this is not always possible or practical. For example, you'll more likely manually download J2SE source code for processing. ashkelon has a provision for this. You can define a SOURCEPATH environment variable containing however many paths you need where source code resides that you want to process through ashkelon.
So, assume you download J2SE to ~/devel/j2se/sources. Simply add that path to your SOURCEPATH environment variable (in a completely analogous fashion to the way we work with CLASSPATH). Then, simply omit the <repository> section from the api descriptor file (it's optional). ashkelon will simply fall back to looking for the j2se source code in your source path.
Here are two complemtentary sources on ashkelon's architecture are:
I have created an entity relationship diagram or sorts (pdf) representing the database schema used by ashkelon. Click on the thumbnail for a full-size png:
The script that constructs the schema for a given database is located in $ASHK_HOME/db/ $dbtype /org/ashkelon/db/ashkelon.sql
Here is a collection of screenshots of the ashkelon web application. This particular instance shows only a half dozen APIs. You should be able to notice how the search results include items from a variety of APIs. Again, inter-API cross referencing is complete. For example: the documentation page for a method in API A that returns a type defined in API B will show the return type hyperlinked.
Table 6.2. Sample Package: java.awt
![]() java.awt at a glance |
![]() java.awt Class Listing |
![]() java.awt Interfaces Listing |
![]() java.awt Main View |
![]() java.awt Inheritance Hierarchy |
Table 6.3. Sample Class: java.lang.String
![]() String class at a glance |
![]() String constructor variants |
![]() String Class Main View |
![]() String Method Listing |
![]() String Static Method Listing |
Table 6.4. Search
![]() Simple Search |
![]() Simple Search Results |
![]() Power Search |
![]() Power Search Results |
![]() Wildcard Search |
Conceived, designed, & built by Eitan Suez, Austin, Texas ( ).
Sincere thanks goes to the following individuals:
For writing the initial ant build file for this project, and for being the first individual to step up to the plate and actively contribute to this project.
For actively helping on the project, contributing a number of patches and features, including an ashkelon ant task
Who wrote a maven plugin for ashkelon and who planted the idea in my mind to write a maven POM file for ashkelon (forthcoming)
I had the idea that javadocs should be a web application relying on a backend database around 1998. It took me a couple of years to actually act on this. On a short vacation trip to hawaii in 2000, I wrote my first stab at a doclet to populate a db. It worked beautifully. The results were promising but with only a few days' work invested in this project, there wasn't much to show for: only a populator doclet.
The idea simmered a little longer and a year later I decided that I could no longer sit idle with this idea in my head without doing anything about it. So I took a 2-week vacation around March 2001 and shut myself in a small hotel room in houston and coded ~ 19 hour days for 14 days straight. The result was 90% of what ashkelon is today. This is what I accomplished:
developed my own MVC framework to support the web application (a la struts)
redesigned and implemented the database schema from scratch
refactored the javadoc html doclet into jsp pages
learned css
wrote an entirely new gui for javadocs, employing dhtml and css vigorously
wrote the viewer application in jsp
wrote my own crappy database connection pool
Added entirely new sections to the viewer app, going beyond the scope of just javadocs (stats section, authors section)
Over the next three years, I added these:
A second GUI, in the style of javadoc (html 3.2)
postgres and mysql support besides the original oracle version
mozilla support for the DHTML GUI
Added a "power search" feature to complement the simple search feature that had originally been built into the viewer app
One deduction from this story is that much more can be accomplished in two weeks of immersion compared to three years of trying to squeeze in an hour here or there in the middle of the night.
The project name "ashkelon" is definitely influenced by names of other open source projects, especially jakarta projects. There are two main reasons for selecting "ashkelon" as the name for this project. One is selfish, the other is subtle.
I became aware of a Jakarta project called "Alexandria" (now defunct). As I read about Alexandria, I realized that my project had many goals similar to Alexandria's: making many api docs available in a single place. One cannot find a more aptly named project, as the city of Alexandria was the host of the largest known library in antiquity.
It turns out that Ashkelon is also a city, an ancient city, not 250 miles from Alexandria on the mediterranean coast of Israel. The thought that two projects so close to each other conceptually were also named after two cities close to each other geographically amused me. Furthermore, the Alexandria project was hosted on what I considered to be a high profile and high visibilitly open source site: The Apache Jakarta project. My project came from relative obscurity (ashkelon likewise is not known for being the source of great libraries or documentation projects). I thought to myself.. "maybe a great project can emerge from relative obscurity.."
What tipped the scales in favor of naming the project 'ashkelon' is the additional fact that the city of Ashkelon was my home for a number of years in my youth.